Technical Sensory Terms

Absorbing The assimilation of one substance into another in which there is a transformation or loss of identify of the substance taken in. Acidity A measure of the acid content of a fluid, with the relative strength (pH) of the acid quantified by the number of protons (hydrogen ions) released. Do not confuse with acidy. […]

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Pests and Diseases

Blister Spot Also known in Spanish as moncha mantecosa or mancha aceitosa. A fungal pathogen (possibly Colletotrichum sp.) characterized by small transucent spots appeaing on leaves. These spots spread and cause leaf fall and branch dieback. Not considered to have large economic impact. Mostly present in the Americas. Brown-Eye Spot Also known in Spanish as […]

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Plant Biology Terms

Abscisic Acid (ABA) A plant hormone that regulates growth and promotes leaf abscission (shedding or falling off) and dormancy. Acclimation An organism’s adjustment of its physiology, morphology or behavior to lessen the effect and stress of an environmental change. Adaptation A physiological, morphological or behavioral trait with an underlying genetic basis that enhances the survival […]

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Agronomy Terms

Agroforrestry Land husbandry that utilizes tree species mixed with crops. Agronomy The application of various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production. The science and technology of producing and using plants for food and other uses. Alluvial Soils Soils formed by materials (e.g., sand, silt, clay, gravel and other debris) transported by […]

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Overview of Coffee Varieties

Rubiaceae Known colloquially as “the coffee family” as Coffea arabica and all other coffee species are classified into the Rubiaceae family. It is the largest woody plant family in the wet tropics, containing approximately 13,200 species. most species within this family live in the forest understory and provide sustenance to local animal and insect populations. […]

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Olfaction Terms

Aftertaste The sensation of brewed coffee vapors, ranging from chocolaty to carbony, spicy and turpeny, as they are released from the residue remaining in the mouth after swallowing. Aroma The sensation of the gases released from brewed coffee as they are inhaled through the nose by sniffing. Ranges from fruity to herby to nutty. Bouquet […]

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Gustation Terms

Acidy A primary taste sensation related to the presence of sweet-tasting compounds. Created as acids in the coffee combine with sugars to increase the brew’s overall sweetness. A characteristic found most often in washed Arabica coffees grown above 1,200 masl, such as Colombian Supremo. Acidy coffees range in taste from piquant to nippy, with the […]

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Mouthfeel Terms

Body The physical properties of the beverage that result in the tactile sensations perceived on the tongue and skin in the mouth during and after ingestion. Buttery A mouthfeel sensation denoting a relatively high level of oily material suspended in the brew. Most often a characteristic of coffees brewed under pressure such as espresso, resulting […]

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