Water Temperature

Brewing water temperature is important because it influences flavor, brew strength and flow rate. Sensory evaluation shows that both acidity and body increase when coffee is brewed at a higher temperature, and bitterness and astringency decrease with lower temperatures. The rate at which each chemical component in coffee is dissolved is also related to temperature. […]

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The Brewing Process

Aroma + Taste = Flavor Some of the chemical compounds in coffee evaporate easily and are responsible for the brew’s aroma. Others aren’t so volatile and are the source of the brew’s taste. The combination of aroma plus taste constitutes coffee’s flavor. Further, there are the insoluble compounds – the ones that don’t break down […]

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Analysis of the Finished Brew

When coffee is brewed, hot water removes most of the water-soluble material by a process that combines dissolving and extracting. The water first penetrates the grounds, dissolves some of the chemical components it encounters, makes a solution of these materials, and then exits the grounds to produce the familiar beverage. We measure the solubles yield […]

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