Primary Taste Sensations

Taste Modulation and the 6 Primary Taste Sensations Through a process called taste modulation, the basic taste sensations interact with one another, depending on the relative strength of each. In gustation, there are six combinations that can occur. Sweet, sour and salt taste interact and form the following combinations: Acids increase the sweetness of sugars […]

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Secondary Taste Sensations

After identifying the primary taste sensation, one can further specify the character of the coffee brew by determining the degree to which the taste sensation fits into the primary category. To do this, one selects the appropriate secondary taste term that describes the direction of the taste sensation. For example, a winey taste that tends […]

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Coffee Acidity

One of the most misused and misunderstood sensory terms in evaluating coffee’s taste is acidity. It is a quantitative term that refers to the relative strength of the acids present in the coffee. And though the terms acidy and acidity are related, the two are not interchangeable. Acid is a chemical compound that contains hydrogen […]

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