Blister Spot

Also known in Spanish as moncha mantecosa or mancha aceitosa. A fungal pathogen (possibly Colletotrichum sp.) characterized by small transucent spots appeaing on leaves. These spots spread and cause leaf fall and branch dieback. Not considered to have large economic impact. Mostly present in the Americas.

Brown-Eye Spot

Also known in Spanish as mancha parda or mancha de hierro. A fungal pathogen (Cercospora coffeicola) that attacks coffee leaves. Presents with round, grey-brown spots about 1 centimeter in diameter. Concave spots appear on fruit and can be covered with a grey, fuzzy substance.


The yellowing of plant leaves due to lack of chlorophyll, caused by a variety of afflictions.

Coffee Berry Borer

A bark beetle (Scolytinae) endemic to Africa, known by the genus and species name Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) and by the name broca del cafe in Spanish. Now present throughout all coffee-producing countries in the world with the exception of China. The female beetle bores a hole into the coffee fruits, tunnels inside the seed and lays eggs, resulting in substantial damage to the coffee seeds and beverage quality.

Coffee Berry Disease

A fungus (Colletotrichum sp.) first identified in Kenya but now prevalent throughout Africa, characterized by brown or black scabbing or concave dark wounds on coffee fruit. The fungus eventually destroys the fruit. This pathogen can be partially controlled by utilizing fungicides, but the timing of application can be difficult to properly administer. Can result in serious crop damage and have large economic consequences.

Coffee Leaf Miner

A moth (Leucoptera coffeella) that attacks coffee and other Rubiaceae shrubs, the larvae of which eat into leaves and produce brown blotchy spots or paths on the leaf surface.

Coffee Leaf Rust

A pathogenic fungus (Hemileia vastatrix) that attacks coffee plants; also known in Spanish as roya. No other hosts have bene identified. Symptoms begin with the formation of small orange or yellow spots on leaves, which grow over time to form visible fungal spores. The fungus spreads and reduces plant health through leaf damage and senescence, often resulting in plant death or in detrimental consequences in successive years’ production. Can be partially controlled with fungicide treatments if outbreaks are not severe. Certain cultivars, particularly hybrids, show some resistance, although levels vary.

Coffee Stem Borer

A beetle (Monochamus leuconotus, Ancylonotus tribulus, among other species) that lays eggs on coffee tree bark. The larvae (white or red) then burrow into the inner stem wood of the coffee tree, leading to death of the vegetation above the entry point. Currently most common in Asia; also present in Africa.

Fungi (Singular: Fungus)

A group of eukaryotic, spore-producing organisms in the kingdom Fungi. Fungi lack chlorophyll and feed on organic matter, differentiating them from plants, animals and bacteria. Including molds, mildews, rusts, yeasts and mushrooms that live as saprotrophs or parasites.

Leaf Spot

Also known in Spanish as ojo de gallo, gotera, viruela or mancha Americana. A plant pathogen (Mycena citricolor) from Latin America that causes round discolorations on leaves and fruit and that gradually result in holes and the senescence of tissues.


A general name for roundworm species that live in soil and attack root systems. Common coffee nematodes include Pratylenchus coffea (root lesion nematode) and numerous Meloidogyne (root-knot) species. Present in many if not all geographic regions that grow coffee. These pests can be very damaging, especially to young coffee plants. Plants affected by nematodes may exhibit wilting and yellowing, similar to drought. Formation of a strong root system by grafting or breeding as well as chemical control options are both utilized to prevent this pest.


An organism that lives on or within an organism of another species, known as a host, from the body of which it takes some advantage, such as nutrients or shelter, at the expense of the host.


A general term used to describe a disease-producing agent such as a microorganism, virus, bacterium or fungus that causes disease in its host.


See coffee leaf rust.

SCAA Coffee Biology Field Glossary

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