
The physical properties of the beverage that result in the tactile sensations perceived on the tongue and skin in the mouth during and after ingestion.


A mouthfeel sensation denoting a relatively high level of oily material suspended in the brew. Most often a characteristic of coffees brewed under pressure such as espresso, resulting in substantial amounts of oil washed off the bean fibers.


A mouthfeel sensation caused by a moderately high level of oily material suspended in the coffee beverage – the result of pronounced amounts of fats in the green beans.


A mouthfeel term that describes coffee’s body and denotes a moderately high level of solid material suspended in the coffee beverage – fine particles of bean fiber and insoluble proteins are present in pronounced amounts.


Describes coffee’s body and denotes a moderately low level of solid material suspended in the brew – the result of fine particles of bean fiber and insoluble proteins present in perceptible amounts. Usually associated with low coffee-to-water ratio used for brewing.


A mouthfeel sensation caused by a moderately low level of oily material suspended in the coffee beverage. The result of moderate amounts of fats present in the green beans.


A sensation caused by a relatively high level of solid material suspended in the coffee beverage. most often a characteristic of espresso-style beverage, this is the result of the presence of substantial amounts of bean fiber particles and insoluble proteins.


A sensation caused by a relatively low level of solid material suspended in the coffee beverage – the result of fine particles of bean fiber and insoluble proteins present in slightly perceptible amounts. most often a characteristic of brews prepared through a paper filtering device with a low coffee-to-water ratio for the brew formula.


A sensation caused by a relatively low level of oily material suspended in the coffee beverage – the result of slightly perceptible amounts of fats present in the green beans. Most often a characteristic of brews with extremely low coffee-to-water ratios.

SCAA The Coffee Cupper’s Handbook

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