Introduction to Espresso

Espresso can be wildly delicious, but it takes a lot of effort. Practically any commercial coffee shop can produce one, but the art of espresso extraction is not a forgiving one, and many purveyors of this drink execute and serve espresso with significant taste faults. Great espresso is difficult to make because it is a […]

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Dosing & Grooming

Dosing The process by which we measure coffee dispensed from a grinder into a portafilter basket is dosing. It’s critical that baristas approach dosing with care, since the quality of beverage is not only hugely dependent upon the correct volume of ground coffee, but also the even distribution and compaction of those grounds within the […]

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The purpose of tamping is to lock in coffee particle distribution, polish the surface of the bed and eliminate any compartments within the coffee bed. Generally, it is advised that baristas tamp with between 30-40 pounds of force. If you so desired, as some do, you can place a bathroom scale on the counter to […]

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Water Temperature

Brewing water temperature is important because it influences flavor, brew strength and flow rate. Sensory evaluation shows that both acidity and body increase when coffee is brewed at a higher temperature, and bitterness and astringency decrease with lower temperatures. The rate at which each chemical component in coffee is dissolved is also related to temperature. […]

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Understanding Preinfusion

Preinfusion is the brief wetting of the coffee grounds at a low pressure prior to engaging consistent, full pressure in espresso preparation. This initial phase allows the grounds to swell, redistribute themselves and become more adhesive before full pressure is applied. There are two important benefits of preinfusion: Decrease the frequency of channeling Decrease fines […]

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