Gustation Terms

Acidy A primary taste sensation related to the presence of sweet-tasting compounds. Created as acids in the coffee combine with sugars to increase the brew’s overall sweetness. A characteristic found most often in washed Arabica coffees grown above 1,200 masl, such as Colombian Supremo. Acidy coffees range in taste from piquant to nippy, with the […]

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Understanding Mouthfeel

Mouthfeel is the tactile sense that is derived from physical sensations in the mouth during and after ingestion. These sensations are created by density, viscosity, surface tension and other physical and chemical properties of what is being ingested. The mouth features a network of free nerve endings, which respond to touch and light pressure, as […]

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Mouthfeel Terms

Body The physical properties of the beverage that result in the tactile sensations perceived on the tongue and skin in the mouth during and after ingestion. Buttery A mouthfeel sensation denoting a relatively high level of oily material suspended in the brew. Most often a characteristic of coffees brewed under pressure such as espresso, resulting […]

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